Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Ottoman Irregulars

This is the next batch of 15mm Napoleonic Ottoman soldiers for Blucher rules.  This time they are the irregulars.  These troops would later come to be called Bashi-bazouks, a common theme of 19th century Orientalist painters.

The infantry are Balkan Arnauts, hillmen, bandits and professional mercenaries that would flock to the colours wherever there was fighting. With men like this Muhammad Ali, this one not this one, would take control of Egypt.

These are the last of the Timariot Sipahis.  Once the backbone of the Ottoman field armies and the scourge of Europe they are now little better than a home guard of old men and provincial farmers.

The Ottoman cavalry was more typically now a mercenary force raised by the provincial pashas and greatly expanded with freebooters, adventurers and hangers-on in time of war.  In theory every Muslim male Ottoman citizen was a potential soldier and many would join up with a captain of their choice when war was declared.  These men were hardly an elite but such Ottoman forces could seem to spring from nowhere.

This last pic are some more Delis and a small field battery with old 15mm gunners.  I might replace them at some point or add Snow White to the base.

Coming next are the vassal forces of the empire.

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