Monday, 16 December 2024

The Ottomans finally make it onto the table!

After many years and many false starts my 15mm Ottomans have finally got into action! The dastardly French infidels had invaded Egypt and need seeing off. 

The Ottomans were mine and the lovely French provided by my club mate Tony. We used Sam Mustafa's Blucher rules for the game.  These are grand tactical level, with units representing something from a battalion to a brigade.   This was just a pick up learning game, so the scenario was very basic.

There was some glory for both sides. The Sipahis caught a French unit moving in the open and damaged but didn't break it. So they fell back and the following Janissaries closed in on what was left.

The Janissaries broke the Frenchmen and pursued them impetuously.

A French counterattack then threw back half their number, while the supporting Arnauts skirmished with some French light infantry over the village.

On the other flank Ottoman and French cavalry clashed with mixed honours. First more regular imperial Sipahis sent the French dragoons reeling back.

But French counter attacks sent half of them back alongside their armoured supports.  Reserves seem to be very important in this game.

So far we have enjoyed the rules but will now be re-reading to find what we played wrong.


  1. Where did you get your ottomans (manufacturer)?

    1. Hello Dave. They are a mixture. The Janissaries are mostly AB, with a few Essex, Battle Honors 15s and Old Glory 15s for command. The Sipahis of the Porte and Topji Artillery are all Battle Honors. The light guns were an eBay purchase, so no idea what they are. The Mamlukes are AB. The Delis, Palestinians and Maghrebis are Old Glory 15s Now from Timecast, in the UK at least). The Arnauts are mostly AB with some Minifigs, Essex and Old Glory mixed in. The Timariot Spahis are Minifigs. I've got some other Minifigs infantry still to paint. The 'Cossacks' were from Grumpy's miniatures.

    2. Thats quite a range! It feels most appropriate for ottomans...

    3. I thinks so. I wanted a very irregular look to contrast with the western armies. I will do some Niẓām-ı Cedīd at some point and make them much more regular.
