This is an interesting idea. A procedural generation process for making an RPG adventure. You roll dice for cues and it gets stranger and more dangerous the deeper you get.
Random dungeon generation isn't really new but this version ups the game a bit and originates from Emmy 'Cavegirl' Allen's Gardens of Ynn, Justin Alexander does a good job explaining the concepts here and here.
Justin also reviews Gardens of Ynn, and Cavegirl's other module, the Stygian library, here.
Here are some other similar projects:
The Vast in the dark - the original version is here and the expanded version here and here.
Downcrawl - is available here with more information here and news of a 2E version here.
A Rasp of Sand - an interesting take where multi-generational groups try to return a crown to vengeful sea-god, see here with a QuestingBeast review here.
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