Monday 14 November 2022

Congo Mercs

I have got some paint onto some figures for my Congo Crisis project at last.  First up are the mercenaries.

These are the old Mongrel Miniatures Congo Mercenaries from Badger Games.  The uniforms are based on those of Mad Mike Hoare's No 5 Commando of the Armée Nationale Congolaise (ANC).  

No 5 Commando are the famous Wild Geese that inspired the 1978 Richard Burton film and were named after their 18th century forebears.

With this mercenary officer I was going for something like the pose in the famous picture of Mike Hoare on the front of his book Congo Mercenary.

The source figure is from Full Metal Miniatures and is their Lt Col Brumfield Miniature with a spare Mongrel mercenary head swapped.  He's a bit tall to be Hoare, who was quite a small man in real life, so he's more Mad Mike from the movies than reality.

Last up is a MG Gunner carrying the gun.  The figure serves nicely as this guy from the Africa Addio film and will allow the mercenaries to dismount a gun jeep MG on the tabletop.

 Next up, the Simbas...


  1. They look great! Love the "Mad Mike" figure.

    1. Thanks. I was quite pleased with him. I'm going to have to try to do Bob Denard as well.

  2. Love em. Fascinating period for miniature gaming.

    1. Thanks. I've got a bit sidetracked from this recently but have some more additions to finish off.
