Game two using Dragon Rampant for Middle Earth. The goblins push on and invade the Elven lands as Fenmenor gathers new forces to throw them out.
The battle takes place near a mill, pool and and river crossing that have not seen such evil for an age.
The main Elfish line hold the far bank of the river while Fenmenor leads an attack across the bridge on their left flank.
The Orcs had their fast moving wolf riders on their left with goblin archers in support. They couldn't sweep round the mill though, They instead became embrolied in a lengthy shooting match with the Elven scouts in the woods, to little effect.
The main fighting was on the other side of the field. Fenmenor's Elite companions and a unit of Elven swordsmen charged down the flank to get to grips with the Orcish foot troops.
Dragon Rampant is certainly brutal. Fenmenor and Tarkrip's warriors wiped each other out until the Elven hero stood alone surrounded by bodies as the goblin chief fled back to Angmar.
The orcs tried to bring over some troops from their left but it was too late. The Elven archers had crossed the river by this time and poured their deadly arrows into the remaining goblins until they were dead or running away.
A fun game again. This time we didn't use the double numbers for the orcs. I prefer the masses I think but it makes them easier to move. Next time we plan to try a bigger game.
To finish, here are a few very quickly taken shots from some other games the guys at SSWG were playing on Wednesday. I grabbed them in between turns of DR.
American Civil War, not sure what rules, maybe Picket's Charge.
A 1980s Game of Cold War Commander
And this was left up from earlier in the week. Maybe a Skirmish Sangin game?
A nice variety I thought.
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