Sunday, 23 March 2025

15mm ADLG Graeco-Indians

This is my new army for Art de la Guerre.  They are Graeco-Indians using 15mm Essex miniatures.  

The Indo-Greek Kingdom was founded by Demterius I of Bactria and ruled parts of the Indian subcontinent until the 1stC AD.

I've put together this little montage video for my army as a bit of fun.  The music is the end credit theme of the TV Series Monkey.

The most powerful infantry fighting part of the army is the Greek Phalanx.  They are standard Pikemen in ADLG.

The Indian subjects of the Greek Kingdom provide auxiliary infantry and powerful elite elephant units.

The infantry are mixed units of swordsmen and bowmen.  They are mediocre melee units but good at providing a flexible attack and stronger in melee than the standard bowmen.

Additional Indian troops can be medium spearmen or swordsmen.  They provide units that are a bit more reliable in melee.

Oddly, the Graeco-Indian list in ADLG doesn't allow the Indians to provide Skirmishers.  The bases above I have painted so I can use them for a full classical Indian force or as allies.  The Greeks can be skirmishers though.  Colonist Peltasts and 'Cretan' archers.

The Indian cavalry is not great but mediocre medium cavalry are very cheap and can use useful in support or on flanks.

These Greek Horsemen are the Graeco-Indian nobles and provide asmall contingent of elite or standard heavy cavalry.

These light cavalry are Arachosians or Paropamisadae from the far west of the Indo-Greek Kingdom.

This is the camp marker and army general.  The Indo-Greeks merged their traditional religion with Buddhism and Gandharan art became very influential.