Sunday 28 July 2024

Soviet Central Asia Posters

A few more propaganda posters.  This time from Soviet central Asia, so useful for true back of beyond games.

'He who does not work, neither shall he eat.' Uzbek-language Soviet poster, 1920

'The bourgeoisie, hiding behind the Book of the Prophet, was misleading the demeaned people'-Soviet propaganda poster from 1920 Baku showing a Turkic horseman riding with a red banner bearing the star and crescent

'Long Live The Land Reform!', Soviet Uzbek poster, 1920

Soviet poster (1920s)- 'Muslim Comrades! Enemies of the working people are encroaching on your freedom! Only you can protect your families! Only Soviet power will make you the masters of your free beautiful steppes, mountains and rocks.'

Poster of 1921 in Soviet Azerbaijan- 'Muslim woman! Tsars, lords, khans have taken away your rights. You have been enslaved by the state, factories and families. The Soviet gov. gives you all the rights equally. The S. gov. is the protector'

Thursday 25 July 2024

More Red Propaganda Posters

Here are some more Red Propaganda posters, starting with the ten commandments of the proletariat (1919).

The ten commandments of the proletariat (1919)

The commandments:

  1. Don’t let Kolchak, Denikin, Mannerheim strangle your power.

  2. Take better care of your rifle.

  3. Be on alert every minute.

  4. Don't hurt the average peasant when you fight with your fist.

  5. Don't let hunger strangle you.

  6. Dispel the village darkness.

  7. Be strong, take care of your party.

  8. Don't trust your enemies.

  9. Don’t let go of power from your hands.

  10. Be strong as a rock in the final, decisive battle. 



No coal - Factories will stall

No coal - Trains will stop

Until Don is ours, hunger will be with us


Lenin and Trotsky defeating Denikin, Soviet political poster, c. 1920, USSR. Showing Red Army soldiers trampling General Denikin

 Some specific anti-Kolchak posters.

'Who is Selling Russia' - Bolshevik caricature depicting Admiral Alexander Kolchak (left), as a foreign puppet who is selling the sovereignty of Russia to the Allied Intervention forces

Bolshevik anti-Kolchak poster

This last one is aimed at the rebelling sailors of the Kronstadt naval base. 

The Kronstadt Card Is Trumped! (1921, Vladimir Kozlinskii, Russian)

Soviet-Polish War Posters

These next propaganda posters are from the Soviet-Polish War in 1920.  First some the anti-soviet posters.

'To arms! Join the Volunteer Army!' Polish-Soviet War (1920)

'The Soviet Pyramid', 1920, Poland

'Join the soldier, or surrender to Bolshevism', Polish poster from 1920

Bolshevik Freedom. Poland. Around 1920

Beat the Bolshevik - Famous Polish poster, 1920

'Again jewish hands. Never!' Anti-Communist poster, 1920, Poland

Now some posters appealing to the patriotism of the Polish people.

'Whoever believes in God - will come under the banner of the [White] Eagle and the Pahonia to defend Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn!'' - Polish poster made during the Polish-Soviet War, 1920

Polish-Soviet War Propaganda, 1920. 'To Arms! Save the Fatherland! Remember well our fate'

'Józef Piłsudski' by Władysław Skoczylas, Poland, 1920

JOIN THE ARMY - DEFEND THE HOMELAND' - Polish poster (showing general Józef Haller) made by Stanisław Sawiczewski during the Polish-Soviet War, 1920

Every doorstep will be our fortress (1920). Polish-Soviet war

'To Arms! Fatherland Calls!' A Polish-Bolshevik war poster 1920

Last some anti-Polish posters from the Bolsheviks.  They are aimed at the nobles and their foreign backers rather than the Polish people.

'To help the Polish gentry! Marshal Foch's last reserves'. [Russian SFSR, 1920]

soviet poster from the time of 1920 polish-soviet war

soviet poster from the time of 1920 polish-soviet war

RSFSR(1920)- 'This is what Polish lords' undertaking will end with.'

Polish - Soviet war 1920

'Noble Poland - last dog of the Entente', Soviet Poster, 1920

'We are at war with the royalties, not with the Polish working people!', Polish-Soviet War, 1920. Made by Ivan Malyutin

Red Propaganda Posters

Next up are some Bolshevik posters.  I'm planning to try printing off some of these to add to terrain and my trains.

1919 'The golden idol of the world, the capital'

1920 propaganda poster- 'In order to have more, it is necessary to produce more. In order to produce more, it is necessary to know more'.

Absence from Work vs. Hero of Labor, Russia, 1920

'Are you helping to eliminate illiteracy' 1920

'Be on guard!', Dmitry Moor, Russia, 1920

Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge (1920)

'Beware of Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries, they are followed by Tsarist generals, priests and landowners' Soviet Russia, 1920

Bolshevik portrait of Leon Trotsky as Saint George slaying the dragon of capitalism, 1918

Bolshevik poster- 'Priests are helping capital and interfering with the worker. Get out of the way!' 1920.

Bolshevik poster, 1919 - The party of the rich is over

Bolshevik propaganda showing all the revolutions across Europe, 1919-20

Comrade Lenin cleans the earth from scum - Soviet Russia, 1920

Comrade, your factory is your pride!, 1919

Cossack, who do you stand with Us or them? 1918-1920

Death to World Imperialism! (1919)

Every hammer blow is a blow to the enemy, Russia, 1920

Finnish Civil war Poster (pro-Reds) 1918

In 1919 - Bolshevik Propaganda. Tsar, Pope & the Rich on the Worker's Shoulders

'Kappel's soldier, who are you protecting. Take off the blindfold and look around', Soviet Anti-White Poster, 1918-1920

'Knowledge will break the chains of slavery', Russia (1920)

Kochergin N.M.- May 1, 1920. Through the Wreckage of Capitalism to the World Brotherhood of Working People'

Life or Death under the Heel of Capital, circa 1919 by Viktor Deni

Literacy is the path to communism 1920

'May 1st, All Russian Subbotnik' (1920) - poster promoting the first Communist Saturday to be held

Parasites and idlers, 1920, Moscow

Political poster by Victor Deni, 'Capitalism' (caricature) 1919 Russia Private collection

Proletarians of all lands, unite!!! - RSFSR 1919

Soon the whole world will be ours - RSFSR, 1919

'The Bolshevik' (1920) by Boris Kustodiev, a painting from the Russian Civil War

'The October Revolution is a bridge to a brighter future!' Soviet Russian poster, 1920.

'The Red Army is the Defense of the Proletarian Revolution', Russia, 1919

To the lighthouse of the Communist International (1919)

Workers, grab a gun! - Russia, ca. 1919

Wrangel is coming To Arms, Proletarians, 1920 Russian Civil War Propaganda

More to follow, the Russo Polish War ...

Wednesday 24 July 2024

White Propaganda Posters

These are some propaganda posters I have collected for the Russian Civil War period.  I'll start with the Russian Whites.

1919 White Army poster depicting Leon Trotsky as the Devil

'Federal Soviet Monarchy', White Army Anti-Soviet Poster, 1919-1920

For United Russia Anti-Bolshevik poster, 1919

'Here he is! The culprit of tortures and death, the Killer of women and children!', White Army Poster about Trotsky, 1918-1920

My son! Go and save your Motherland!, White Army Poster, 1919

Retribution, White Army Poster, 1918-1920

'The bolshevik monster, the death-horse found its own death in Vistula' Poland, poster after the 1920 victory.

'This is how Bolshevik punishment platoon of Latvians and Chinese forcibly took away grain, ravaged villages and shot peasants', White Army Poster about Latvians and Chinese in Red Army, 1918-1920

'This is how the Soviets solved the labor issue', White Army Poster, 1918-1920

Victim of The International' White Russian poster showing Russia being sacrificed on the altar of Karl Marx, circa 1919

Why aren't you in the army - (Russian civil war poster 1919)

Mountain dwellers and Muslims, enlist -anti-Bolshevik recruitment poster -Russia 1920

More to follow...