For a colour scheme I've gone with a simple and traditional military style for the Sword Worlders, in order to make them seem less advanced than the higher tech Imperials and Zhodani.
In this first picture we see two XTR-60 G-Carriers, an obsolescent Zhodani design widely used by second line Zhodani units and many of the Sword World member states. Note the obsolete external grav plates.

All these models are part of the same army deal from Ground Zero Games. There is another tank, a couple more mobile weapons platforms and some more infantry to complete the force.

These Sworld Worlder Grenadiers are equipped with an older version of the standard Zhodani combat armour. Notice however that the face plate is a single piece version, rather than the characteristic Zhodani 'clam shell' style.

Although the canon typically has the Sword Worlders producing their own equipment that doesn't seem likely to me, at least not for the majority of the confederation's worlds. In the real world, military development is expensive and most minor powers import surplus or export equipment from major powers rather than develop their own kit.
As such I imagine that the Sword Worlds would buy second line equipment from friendly or just capitalist suppliers. The Zhodanis are probably the main source for most equipment but Imperial corporations might provide substantial quantities too. Our own developing nations are probably a good model to see the variation, yet also the similarity between their forces. Similarity in supplier would also make the policy of allowing member states to choose their own equipment far less of a logistical nightmare than it might otherwise be if each state manufactured their own.
Here we see a lone Z-55 Grav Tank. The Ubiqitous Z-55 has been widely exported by the Consulate and can be found equipping the armoured units of states throughout the Spinward regions of known space.

An added bonus of assuming that the Sworld Worlders use second line Zhodani equipment is that the same troops can double as second echelon Zhodani units too.
Two XRM-1 light recon vehicles skim across an arid landscape.

A heavier variant of the XRM-1 the XRM-2 can effectively engage lightly armoured grav vehicles as well as infantry.

Finally, a shot of a Sword Worlder Lift Grenadier platoon on the move.